Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The AIETA Model Presented by Everett Rogers in Diffusion of Innovation

The AIETA model is a guideline used by advertisers to promote goods or services. The model was propounded by Everett Rogers in his Diffusion of Innovation theory in 1962. The ‘AIETA’ word is coined from the five stages in the model namely; Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial and Adoption.

Les Robinson describes Diffusion of Innovations as seeking to explain how innovations are taken up in a population. An innovation is an idea, behaviour, or object that is perceived as new by its audience.

The first stage of the AIETA model is the awareness stage. At this stage, the advertiser creates the awareness about a product or service using teasers, campaigns, pioneering advertisements and jingles or slogans. Outdoor ads like flyers and billboards can also be used. The new media also plays a relevant role in creating awareness. Such channels include internet banners and text messages. At this stage, the individual is only aware about the product or service but does not have enough information to make a decision. The advertisements should focus on particular slogans or teasers that will leave potential customers wanting more. An example is the ‘Good Energy Is Coming’ slogan Goil Ghana Limited used when they embarked on their rebranding campaign. Multi TV also created awareness with their ‘No Monthly Bills Just Thrills’ catch phrase.

After awareness has been created, the individual wants more information and they begin to wonder whether the product or service can help them. It is up to the advertising agency to create and maintain the interest of the individual. The interest can be created with the use of information advertisements. These ads will give the individual ample time to evaluate the product or service. The interest stage includes all relevant additions that were not included in the interest stage. Glo used information ads in the form of billboards and jingles to inform the public about their products and services.

The public have to be persuaded during the evaluation stage because at this level, the individual has mentally examined the product or service using the information gathered and is trying to determine whether it will really impact their lives or work. The advertising agent has to continuously flood the prospective market with persuasion ads, image ads, testimonials and comparative ads. In the telecommunication industry, companies like MTN and Tigo use the colours of other telecom companies in their ads when they want to describe their products as superior to others. These ads are meant to convince the public to choose a particular product over another. The evaluation stage is a mental stage and involves adequate information and persuasion.

The trial stage is where the individual actually tests the innovation to see if reality matches expectations. On reaching this stage, the advertiser should embark on sales promotion ads that will bring the public closer to the product. Free samples can be given out to the public to try out. For example, free samples of new flavours of Nestle Cerelac are given out at vantages points for the public to taste possibly adopt.

The final stage is the adoption stage where the individual likes the product or service and adopts it wholeheartedly. After going through all these stages, reminder ads must be continuously run to remind the public about the benefits of using the product. New additions to the product must also be advertised to reassure customers of the reliable products and services that are provided. An example is the addition of the actigen E ingredient to Nestle’s Milo beverage.

According to Rogers, adoption of a product or service can be put into five major categories. These include innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards.

Innovators are the first individuals to adopt an innovation. Innovators are often young people who are willing to take risks.
Early adopters are the second fastest category of individuals who adopt an innovation. These individuals have the highest degree of opinion leadership among the other adopter categories. Early adopters are more discrete in adoption choices than innovators.

Individuals in the early majority category adopt an innovation after a varying degree of time. This time of adoption is significantly longer than the innovators and early adopters. Early Majority tend to be slower in the adoption process.
Late Majority persons will adopt an innovation after the average member of the society. These individuals approach an innovation with a high degree of scepticism and after the majority of society has adopted the innovation.

The last category of people to adopt an innovation is the laggards. Unlike some of the previous categories, individuals in this category show little to no opinion leadership. These individuals typically have an aversion to change-agents and tend to be advanced in age. Laggards prefer to be more comfortable with the status quo than to accept anything new.

The image above shows a graphical detail of the adoption stage of Rogers' AIETA Model.

Everett Rogers’s AIETA model gives a basic idea of how individuals adopt a product and this makes it easier for the advertising agent to design a specific advertising plan to persuade the public. It is however important to note that some individuals may accept or reject the product or service immediately without going through all the five processes.

• Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations, Fifth Edition 2003, Free Press, New
York, p221
• Moore, Geoffrey, A. (1999) Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to
Mainstream Customers (revised edition), HarperCollins, New York

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tears of a Mother

Look at me, gorgeously rich
The Gold around my waist
The diamonds on my ankle
Beautifully dressed in my Kente
With a stunning staff from healthy timber
I was the envy of my brothers and sisters
A shining black star
Until the merchants from the west arrived
Their greedy eyes had not seen splendour like me ever
They devoured me
Taking away with them my wealth
My children, they chained and packed into boxes
We had to fight
And yes we did fight!
Blood was the price
We gained control
But my children forgot my pain too soon
Beseeching green papers
They still salute the merchants of the west
They see no good in their mother-land
Queuing just to fly in metals to the west
Fighting each other for supremacy
But we are one people
My shine is waning
By my children’s activities
My clothe has been perforated hence I need cover
 So I cry to my children
To swathe a mothers nudity
To preserve her dignity

Ghana, a Tourist’s Destination

From the Hills and Plains of Shai

To the Ranges of Akuapim

The Rocks of Damongo

The Peak of Afadjato

A must accomplish

The Savannah of Mole

The Canopies of Kakum

The Falls of Wli and Boti

The Waters of Nzulenzu

The golden Beaches of the Coast

Landscape blessed with incredulity

From the Forest Elephants of the south

To the Savannah Elephants of the north

The Turtles of the west

To the Kobs of the east

The Monkeys, the Lions

Duikers and Buffalos

A diversity of the wild

From the Homowo of the Ga’s

To the Damba of the Dagomba’s

The Aboakyir of the Winneba’s

The Hogbetsotso of the Anlo’s

The Akwasidae of the Ashanti’s

A display of rich culture

Found nowhere else on the surface of Earth

The Fufu, AkplƐ, Kɔmi

The Waakye, Aprenpesa, BrodeƐ Ampesi

And Tuo-zafi affectionately called TZ

Delicacies that salivate the mouth

All these and more should make the coast of Gold

A destination for your next vacation


An enKieu Qoncept

©July 2011


Somewhere in a Modern Villa

There, the cloud, thick black cloud only means one thing a heavy downpour! I for rush go house before this rain go drop down, BB declared. As he walked on the long narrow sandy path that leads to his parents house (a place he calls ma crib), he heard sounds of squeaky windows of mud houses being closed. BB knew instantly that he had to double up his steps to avoid getting drenched by the rain. I for run sef he thought, but he kept his cool and picked his steps carefully walking on the sand like he was walking on water, after all I be the Krakye he whispered to himself.

Soon he had gotten to the intersection that led to his ‘crib’. Ahhh, BB sighed with relief, now I just for climb this hill then I catch ma crib ignoring the fact that he had to walk an extra 30 meters. As soon as that thought disappeared, he felt a cool breeze of wind sweep around him; he looked back and saw the wind carrying innocent dead leaves for a ride. I get aa like the wind fit carry me so go put ma bed top. This weather dier stop, e dey be for bedding waaa, another thought swept through his mind.

He begun to climb the hill a bit faster than usual, he looked left and saw the old hut that was buried in the bush, the only building in that part of the village, nobody really seemed to care about that building but this time around there was something strange about the building, it had its windows widely open and swinging to the rhythm of the wind. BB stared for a while and said, who sef they care about that alatsa building, this house go blast today, the rain go end e poor life. Just as he was taking his eyes of the building something struck him… wheeeeee-wheeeeeeee-wheeew, BB whistled instinctively.

There stood a fair maiden in front of the old hut. He wondered, kw3 what this ‘pacu’ they do for here of all places. The fair maiden spotting BB signalled him to approach her but BB pretended he had not seen her and tried to avoid eye contact with her. Excuse me, excuse me gentleman, the fair maiden called out, BB again pretended he did not hear her but when it dawned on him he could not avoid the obvious he turned to the direction of the lady. Can you please come over, she asked. BB contemplated for a while, she no know say e dey come rain, she no dey see the clouds. Me sef wat I dey talk, how I go fit dawg this pacu, if Kwei den Ato hear dis sef them go laugh me make I cry. Before he could end his thought he heard the lady calling again. ‘Sharp sharp me na me k)) no’ he affirmed as he made way through the bush towards the lady. BB’s steps had changed dramatically as he walked with suave just to show off.

Finally BB was in front of the fair maiden, he stared at her with admiration from hair to sol. She had black silky hair which even glowed without sunshine; her eyes were bright and gleamed with excitement; her lips had the perfect shape, like a love/heart-like symbol; her nose fitted perfectly in the middle of her face. She had what BB called a perfect shape, slim with visible curvature in her ‘slit and kaba’; her legs were spotless and hairless, beautifully crafted just like a royal antelope’s.

I’m Yama she said stretching her hands, BB meeting her hand pondered, what a beautiful name, I fit take e name tier song ridee naa. They call me BB. How can I help you miss? BB replied. Could you please help me shut my windows she continued. BB looked at her and glanced at the window, he thought, this girl paa! Just then a strong wind blew and threatened to lift the hut’s rusty roof away. Quick, let’s get this done with before the rains start pouring BB instructed.

Yama told BB to stand outside and pushed the window while she got inside the building to lock the windows. BB followed her directions and soon two windows were done with, leaving them with one last window. As BB moved closer to it he felt a drop of water hit his forehead, he said to Yama, hurry up it has started drizzling. She replied, don’t worry I would shelter you and when the rain is gone you can continue your journey. From Yama’s words BB felt assured and pushed the window with real vigour.

Just as Yama locked the window, the heavens opened and the rain came rushing down. BB raced to the door and knocked, but there was no response. He shouted Yama open the door as he knocked hard on the wooden door which looked like it was going to fall, in a bid to alert Yama of the urgency of the situation. BB was all wet in fact the rain had drenched him, when he heard a sweet melodious voice saying, I’m sorry, I can’t open the door. BB thought for a second that his mind was playing tricks on him, no it can’t be when he realised it wasn’t his mind playing tricks. I really need somewhere to hide. He replies, please stop joking and help me out I’m all wet. Yama responds do I look like Dapaa (the village clown). You promised to give me shelter BB insisted. Do I look like your mother? Yama asked with laughter chocking her, you better go look for your mother oo and stop disturbing my peace.

BB realising he was fighting a lost cause, turned away from the hut slowly, continuing his journey through the bush home in the heavy downpour. He even found it difficult to raise his leg, drugging them in the mud. With disappointment and utter disgust he said to himself, this girl show me mafia paa o, fire burn am.


An enKieu Qoncept

The Con Man

We had big dreams but all of them have been quashed by the liar

We gave and he was not content

He drained our remaining resources

He did not leave behind the debris for our children

We become nuisance once he has sucked out our nectar

We are disgraced and thrown out when we seek him

We gradually build up again

But we do not learn from the past

He returns with sweet lies and we fall in his arms

He shutters the mended heart

But we are not soo dumb

A time will come when all will realize the tricks and games of the liar

A time will come but how soon

(c) Quarps

an enKieu Qoncept

Black Is Great

I'm black and wonderful

A drop of me would make you ask for more

Even the most reserved person yearns for a moment with me

I'm enjoyed best when sweaty

But I don't come cheap

You pay a price for having too much of me

I'm no child's play

I'm made for great people

I'm dark and deeply satisfying


Drink Responsibly!

(c) Quarps

an enKieu Qoncept

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Three Definitions of Knowledge Soceity

.Broadly speaking, the term Knowledge Society refers to any society where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour. It may also refer to the use a certain society gives to information. A Knowledge society "creates, shares and uses knowledge for the prosperity and well-being of its people

2. In Sally Burch's work, he refers to Castells definition which says, “it has to do with a society in which the conditions for generating knowledge and processing information have been substantially changed by a technological revolution focused on information processing, knowledge generation, and information technologies.”

3.Knowledge societies have the characteristic that knowledge forms major component of any human activity. Economic, social, cultural, and all other human activities become dependent on a huge volume of knowledge and information. A knowledge society is one in which knowledge becomes major creative force.

Nii Quarcoopome Hansen-Sackey
DCSA 2010058